Friday, May 13, 2016

Working Capital Loans / OD Limits

Working Capital
Working Capital Loans
Woking Capital Limits (Cash Credits) / OD Limits :-  Advances by Indian Banks, generally take the following three forms, i.e., cash credits, overdrafts and Loans. A cash credit is an arrangement by which a banker allows his customer to borrow money upto a certain limit against the values of his stocks and book debts for his day to day requirements. This is the most favourite mode of borrowing by large commercial and industrial concerns in India, on account of the advantage that a customer need not borrow at once, the whole of the amount he is likely to require, but can draw such amounts as and when required. He can put back any surplus amount which he may find with him for the time being. The banker granting cash credit and overdraft facilities has to estimate the amount of his customers requirements, and in case the actual drawings fall much below his estimate, he may lose interest on the funds remaining ideal...

Overdrafts:-  When a customer  requires temporary accommodations, he may be allowed to overdraw his current account, usually against collateral securities. From the customer's point of view, this arrangement like the cash credit is advantageous as he is required to pay, interest on the amount actually used by him. The essential difference between a cash credit and an overdraft is, that the latter is supposed to be a form of bank credit to be made use of occasionally; whereas the former is used for long terms by commercial and industrial concerns during regular business. In practice, however, this distinction is not always observed and some banks set up regular limits for overdrafts also.
For more details, please CLICK HERE  
To apply for working capital / OD limits Loans, Please visit  OR Email us at

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